Before we go into the treatment options for these skin anomalies, let’s take a look at exactly what skin tags are. Skin tabs or tags are harmless growths on the skin usually found under the breasts, neck, armpits, groin folds, and the eyelids. Studies show that the human body can have over 100 of these excesses of skin and anyone can develop the skin condition.

These outgrowths can be described as small balloons of soft skin that are acquired through the rubbing of skin on skin. While more than 50 percent of the human population will get skin tags at a certain point in life and that it is safe to say that having them is normal, some tags can really ruin one’s appearance. In spite of being harmless, skin outgrowths can cause embarrassment to those who have them especially if there is pigmentation.

Obesity increases the risk factors of having tags because they usually have more skin creases than those who are not obese. Pregnant women are also prone to having such an outgrowth because of hormonal changes.

If you are planning to remove skin tags, skin tag removal range from a number of home remedies to medical options. This means that there are plenty of procedures and treatments to choose from to get rid of this skin problem.

See Also:  Getting Rid of Skin Tags: The Medical Options

Common Home Remedies for Skin Tags


Freezing a skin tag using liquid nitrogen is one of the most common home remedies for this problem. Liquid nitrogen is usually available in hospitals. However, because these kinds of outgrowth are rather common, there are now over-the-counter products sold in drug stores that are designed to get rid of tags. Do-It-Yourself Freezing Kits are readily available and some are even sold online. Freezing can be quite painful so be sure to be ready for the pain if you are planning to give this home remedy a try.

Removing Blood Supply through Ligation

Since a tag is part of the skin, it also needs blood supply for it to thrive. Removing the blood supply going towards the tag is one way to get rid of it. To do this, you can tie it off with a dental floss at its base and just leave it there for a few days. Tugging on the floss gently each day will help as well. After a few days, the tag should no longer have enough blood supply to keep itself alive and it will fall off on its own.

This is one of the less painful removal procedures that can be done from home and the least expensive too. However, one must note that it is only effective for small tags.

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Isopropyl Alcohol

While it may sound painful to douse your tags in alcohol, it is not as bad as the freezing method. The first thing to do is to look for the clear skin right on top of the tag itself and clipping it off. This part of the tag is devoid of nerves so cutting it off will not hurt too much. Take a bit of alcohol and dab it on the skin tag.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Rubbing apple cider vinegar on the affected areas at least three times a day is another inexpensive way of removing outgrowths. While there’s a little discomfort in using this home remedy and that there is a need for you to apply the solution religiously, it is quite effective. It takes a few weeks for the tag to fall off.

Skin Tag Removal: Medical Options


Cauterization is the process of burning off the excess skin through electrolysis. It destroys the tissues therefore killing the tag.

Preparation: Before the procedure, doctors usually ask their patients to stop taking medications that can cause thinning of the blood.

General Anesthetic: Yes

Risk of Scarring:  Yes but will be gone in a few weeks.


This surgical procedure utilizes extreme cold to rid of abnormal tissue growths. It employs liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin abnormality.

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Preparation: You should inform your physician about all the medications you have been taking including supplements to ensure that your body is ready for such a procedure.

General Anesthetic: Yes

Scarring: Little to none

Surgical Excision

Often confused with cauterization, excision is a surgical procedure where the tag is cut off with a scalpel. While this sounds rather painful, excision requires that the patient is injected with anesthesia during the procedure. Often, the surgeon will numb the tag first before cutting it off.

Preparation: Inform your doctor about your allergies if any.

General Anesthetic: Yes

Scarring:  Little to none

Do Skin Tags Reoccur?

Skin outgrowths rarely recur if properly removed either through a surgical procedure or a home remedy. Called acrochordons, these flesh-colored growths should be treated delicately. While there are home remedies that are very effective in the removal of such growths, there is a risk for infection and bleeding. It is always a good idea to consult with a physician or a medical practitioner.